How can a person be a better manager, just by being more "mindful"? Michael Roach, a former business executive and current Buddhist monk, writes about an ancient Buddhist strategy to be more effective in life, as featured on Regardless of its Buddhist roots, mindfulness can remain secular but offer advantages to anyone willing to practice and apply the concepts to help make effective business decisions.
Balancing Business and Buddha
More and more executives and entrepreneurs are bringing the dharma to the art of the deal.
The wise and moral man
Shines like a fire on a hilltop
Who does not hurt the flower.
Such a man makes his pile
As an anthill, gradually
Grown wealthy, he thus
And firmly binds his friends
To himself.
--Singaalovaada Sutra
"Buddhist principles can help cut inventory and reduce supply chain costs." That advice was recently published in an information-technology trade magazine. And while the Buddha might not have had surplus equipment in mind when he advised his followers to reduce their attachments, it is a sign of just how far Buddhist teachings are reaching into the mainstream--even into the dog-eat-dog world of business.
Balancing Business and Buddha
More and more executives and entrepreneurs are bringing the dharma to the art of the deal.
The wise and moral man
Shines like a fire on a hilltop
Who does not hurt the flower.
Such a man makes his pile
As an anthill, gradually
Grown wealthy, he thus
And firmly binds his friends
To himself.
--Singaalovaada Sutra
"Buddhist principles can help cut inventory and reduce supply chain costs." That advice was recently published in an information-technology trade magazine. And while the Buddha might not have had surplus equipment in mind when he advised his followers to reduce their attachments, it is a sign of just how far Buddhist teachings are reaching into the mainstream--even into the dog-eat-dog world of business.